Nobles it is with great gratitude that you have elected me as your President for 2017.
I realize that there are many responsibilities associated with this position. I know that we have had one of the best years at the club for 2016. I hope I can be equal to the Leadership of Past President Lee Frazier. I had the opportunity to be the VP last year and was able to learn so much about the workings of our club, that I feel comfortable about going forward as your President this year.
With the Board of Directors that we have in place as well as the Line Officers, I feel that our club will grow and prosper. There are several projects that I want to see completed this year that will improve the club . When you receive this newsletter the installation of the officers for 2017 will be done. The Potentate, and Divan, were at our club on Wednesday, January 11th at the Stated Meeting. After a delicious meal, the installation was done. It was a very good evening with a lot of members and their wives in attendance.
There was a reception on January 21st at the club. There was food, an open bar. Thank you for coming out and help us celebrate. In closing I will say that I am looking forward to another outstanding year. This can happen if you as members come out and support your club and the activities at the club.